Every one says that cholesterol is a dangerous for our body. Their opinion is 50% correct and 50% wrong. Cholesterol helps to develop hormones and also useful to heart.
Why Cholesterol harmful to heart?
There are two of cholesterol.
1. Good Cholesterol
2. Bad Cholesterol
Good cholesterol is useful to develop hormones growth, blood circulation, and heart efficiency and place an important role in body works.
Bad cholesterol is entirely different to good cholesterol. This is harmful to human body. So, every one must have cholesterol, which does not be bad cholesterol.
How can reduce Bad cholesterol and improve Good cholesterol?
First of all we should create a new life style. Life style means health and perfect way to change our habits.
Improper diets, lack of exercise, smoking, tensions are the main causes to the bad cholesterol in human body.
The healthy and proper way of diet places very important role in the human body. Food is helpful to human body as well as harmful. The amount of diet should be proper. It should not be low and high. If you take high diet then the amount of cholesterol increases, which reduces the blood circulation flow rate. So, don’t take high amount of food level.
Everyone should do exercise at least 30 minutes per day. Physical exercise is helpful to reduce the cholesterol levels in human body and also bring power to your heart.
Quit smoking:
Smoking is dangerously increases bad cholesterol level in the human body. This bad cholesterol is harmful to human body.
Stress is one of the causes for the body weight and cholesterol levels. You should avoid stress by meditating the at least 30 minutes in your leisure time per day.
Consult your doctor:
You should check your cholesterol levels in your body at least 3-6 months per year. You can change your health profile by consulting a certified doctor.